
Awaken Power

Our beliefs serve as the lenses through which we perceive and navigate the world. They offer us a sense of familiarity and security, providing a framework that shapes our thoughts, decisions, and actions. These deeply ingrained beliefs act as guiding principles, helping us make sense of the complexities around us. However, even as they provide a sense of stability, our beliefs can inadvertently become constricting barriers.

While our beliefs provide comfort, they can also restrict our growth. They form a protective cocoon around us, shielding us from the unfamiliar and the uncertain. This comfort zone, though reassuring, can limit our exploration and hinder our personal evolution. Yet, beneath this façade of security lies an untapped reservoir of potential – a latent force that beckons to be awakened. This dormant power has the capacity to propel us toward greater levels of self-awareness, resilience, and fulfillment.

The human mind is a wondrous tool, capable of boundless creativity and adaptability. Yet, as time passes, our beliefs tend to ossify, cementing us within set patterns of thought and behavior. We become trapped in the routine, held captive by the familiar. This stagnant mindset can lead to complacency, blunting our inclination to challenge norms and question the status quo. As a result, the vibrant potential that once thrived within us can gradually fade.

In this context, fear emerges as a formidable opponent to growth. The fear of venturing into the unknown, the dread of failure, and the apprehension of judgment can further reinforce the slumber of our inner power. It’s as though these fears cast a veil over our potential, preventing us from reaching our true heights.

However, within the confines of our beliefs and the grip of our fears, lies an opportunity for transformation. Realization dawns when we recognize that our beliefs are not fixed or absolute. We possess the capacity to reprogram our belief system, to challenge the limitations we’ve imposed on ourselves, and to awaken the dormant power residing within us. This endeavor calls for courage, self-awareness, and an acceptance of discomfort.

The process of awakening this inner power mirrors the stirring of a sleeping giant. It necessitates stepping beyond the comfortable boundaries we’ve established, embracing challenges that stretch our abilities, and cultivating a mindset primed for growth. It’s a journey punctuated with obstacles, yet each step taken toward rousing our inner power brings us closer to embracing our authentic potential.

The initial step on this journey involves self-reflection and introspection. We must scrutinize the beliefs we hold – beliefs that shape our perceptions of ourselves, our capabilities, and the world. Do these beliefs enable our growth or stifle it? By identifying beliefs that no longer serve us, we can begin the process of replacing them with beliefs aligned with our aspirations.

Embracing a positive and resilient mindset is also paramount in this process. This entails nurturing self-confidence, extending self-compassion, and adopting an eagerness to learn from setbacks. A growth-oriented mindset interprets challenges as opportunities for advancement and failures as stepping stones on the path to success.

Additionally, surrounding ourselves with an encouraging and inspirational environment can expedite the awakening of our inner power. Associating with kindred spirits, seeking guidance from mentors, and engaging in enriching conversations can expand our horizons and encourage us to set audacious goals.

In summary, while our beliefs offer a sense of security, they can inadvertently restrict our growth. Beneath these beliefs, lies a dormant power – a potential that yearns to be awakened. As we journey through life, our beliefs solidify, often leading to complacency and a stifling of our innate potential. The fear of the unknown and failure further suppresses this potential. However, we hold the power to rewrite our beliefs, challenge our fears, and awaken the dormant force within. This journey demands bravery, introspection, and a willingness to step outside our comfort zone. As we undertake the process of awakening, we inch closer to our authentic selves – individuals brimming with resilience, capability, and empowerment. In essence, the slumbering potential within us can be aroused, paving the way for a life rich with growth, fulfillment, and uncharted possibilities.


Stillness is Power

Silence is a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. In the midst of the chaos and noise that surrounds us daily, finding moments of silence can be transformative, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and our innermost desires.

Often, we are so preoccupied with the demands of our daily lives that we forget to pause and connect with our true selves. We get caught up in the never-ending stream of thoughts and worries, constantly analyzing the past and fretting about the future. In doing so, we lose sight of the present moment – the only moment that truly exists. Embracing silence gives us the chance to break free from this cycle of overthinking and be fully present in the now.

When we embrace silence, we allow ourselves to listen to the whispers of our intuition. Our intuition is a powerful inner compass that can guide us towards what truly matters to us. It speaks to us in subtle ways, nudging us towards the right path, but often its voice gets drowned out by the noise of our minds. By stilling the mental chatter and choosing silence, we can finally hear our intuition’s gentle guidance, leading us towards a life that aligns with our authentic selves.

In these quiet moments, we gain clarity on what truly matters to us. We begin to discern between the noise of external expectations and the genuine desires of our hearts. We may discover that some of the goals we have been striving for were not our own, but rather what society or others imposed on us. By listening to our hearts in silence, we can reevaluate our aspirations and set new goals that are in alignment with our core values and passions.

Moreover, silence allows us to let go of the burdens of constant thinking and planning. In today’s fast-paced world, we are often under pressure to keep moving, to achieve more, and to be constantly productive. This pressure can be overwhelming and leave us feeling exhausted and burnt out. Taking the time to embrace silence and stillness grants us the space to release these burdens and take a break from the never-ending race.

In the silence, we can find solace and renewal. It is a space where we can rest and recharge, both physically and mentally. It is a sanctuary where we can be kind to ourselves and practice self-compassion. In these moments of self-nurturing, we can build the strength and resilience needed to face the challenges of life with a more balanced and centered approach.

Silence also allows us to connect with our emotions and process our feelings more deeply. Often, we suppress our emotions and put on a brave face to cope with the demands of the outside world. However, by embracing silence, we give ourselves permission to feel fully and to be vulnerable. We can explore our emotions without judgment or fear, allowing us to heal and grow from within.

As we practice silence and stillness regularly, we become more attuned to ourselves and the world around us. We notice the beauty in the simplest things – the sound of birds chirping, the warmth of the sun on our skin, the joy of laughter shared with loved ones. We learn to appreciate the little moments that make life meaningful and fulfilling.

Silence is not merely the absence of noise; it is a state of being that can lead us to a deeper connection with ourselves and the world. Embracing silence allows us to tune in to our intuition, gain clarity on our true desires, and let go of the burdens that weigh us down. It provides a refuge where we can find solace, process our emotions, and practice self-compassion. Through silence, we discover the beauty and significance of the present moment, and life takes on a more profound and purposeful meaning. So, let us embrace the gift of silence and find the path to self-discovery and personal growth.


Detaching from Opinions

In today’s fast-paced and opinion-driven world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of forming strong opinions on various matters. We often associate these opinions with our sense of self-worth and ego, and unknowingly drift further away from our true selves. However, there is a crucial distinction between having a point of view and clinging to unwavering opinions. Embracing this difference can lead to profound personal growth and more effective leadership.

Your soul, the essence of who you are, has no opinion. It remains untainted by biases and attachments to any specific viewpoint. Your soul is open, compassionate, and receptive to the world around you. It is your ego, on the other hand, that thrives on maintaining a sense of self-importance, and this is often manifested through strongly held opinions.

The stronger your opinion, the stronger your ego becomes. When you are convinced that your perspective is the only correct one, you close yourself off to alternative ideas and possibilities. In doing so, you distance yourself from your true nature and hinder personal growth and understanding.

As a leader, being overly opinionated can be detrimental to both your growth and the development of your team. Your role as a leader is not to impose your opinions on others but rather to encourage open dialogue, collaboration, and creativity. When you let go of the need to be right, you create an environment where your team members feel valued, heard, and motivated to contribute their unique perspectives.

An ego-driven leader tends to stifle the potential in others due to their own need for validation. They may dismiss innovative ideas that challenge their opinions, leading to missed opportunities and stifled growth within the organiSation. On the other hand, an authentic leader who remains receptive to different viewpoints empowers their team members to bring their best selves to the table, fostering a culture of innovation and progress.

Detaching from strong opinions doesn’t mean relinquishing your values or principles. It’s about adopting a more humble and open-minded approach to leadership. Recognise that your knowledge and understanding are not absolute, and there’s always room for growth and improvement.

In the absence of rigid opinions, curiosity and a willingness to learn flourish. Embrace the power of asking questions, seeking diverse perspectives, and actively listening to others. This not only enriches your knowledge but also builds trust and rapport within your team.

Moreover, embracing a more open-minded approach will allow you to adapt to changing circumstances and make better decisions. In a world that constantly evolves, being agile and adaptable is crucial for staying relevant and successful.

True leadership lies in serving others rather than proving oneself right. It involves empowering others to shine and contributing to the growth of the collective. By setting aside your ego-driven opinions, you create a space for your team to thrive, bringing out their full potential and fostering a supportive and productive work environment.

In conclusion, detaching from strong opinions and embracing an open-minded approach is essential for personal growth and effective leadership. Your soul remains pure, free from opinions, and by aligning yourself with its wisdom, you can cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and others. As a leader, you have the power to inspire and uplift those around you by creating an environment where diverse viewpoints are encouraged, and collaboration is cherished. In doing so, you will achieve much more and gain much more from your people, all while fostering a culture of growth and success.



Expecting the Best 

A positive mindset can be a powerful tool in achieving our goals and creating a fulfilling life. When we expect the best to happen and firmly believe in our dreams, we set the stage for success. However, maintaining this mindset can be challenging, especially when faced with setbacks or delays. This essay explores the importance of training our minds to stay in a state of positive expectation, cultivating a feeling that our desires have already manifested. By immersing ourselves in this mentality and not giving up, we can harness the power of the mind to manifest our dreams.

  • The Power of Positive Expectation:
  • A positive mindset sets the tone for our thoughts, emotions, and actions. When we expect the best to happen, we attract positive energy and opportunities into our lives. It creates a self-fulfilling prophecy, as our beliefs influence our behaviors and the way we interact with the world. By expecting the best, we become more resilient in the face of challenges, finding the motivation to persevere and overcome obstacles.
  • Embrace Gratitude
  • Gratitude is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a positive mindset. When we focus on what we are grateful for in our lives, we shift our attention away from lack and limitations. Gratitude cultivates a sense of contentment and abundance, reinforcing our belief that the best is yet to come. Keep a gratitude journal, jotting down the things you are thankful for daily, and let this positivity seep into your expectations for the future.
  • Navigating Setbacks:
  • Even with a positive mindset, setbacks are a natural part of life. The key is to perceive them as temporary roadblocks rather than permanent failures. When faced with challenges, remind yourself of your unwavering belief in the best outcome. Use setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow, trusting that the universe is aligning everything for your ultimate success.
  • Surround Yourself with Positivity:
  • The company we keep significantly impacts our mindset. Surround yourself with positive, supportive individuals who share your optimistic outlook. Engage in activities that uplift and inspire you. Avoid dwelling on negative news or pessimistic discussions that may dampen your positive expectations.

Training your mind to stay in a mindset of expecting the best is a lifelong practice that requires dedication and perseverance. By embracing positive expectation, visualizing your dreams, practicing gratitude, and overcoming setbacks, you can manifest your desires and create a life filled with joy, success, and fulfillment. Remember, what you believe and expect, you will eventually achieve.


boundless unity

n a world that often seems engulfed in darkness, the idea of sharing the light within ourselves becomes a beacon of hope and transformation. Every individual possesses an innate light that radiates love, compassion, and understanding. When we choose to share this light with others, it not only brightens their lives but also strengthens our own luminosity. By embracing this way of living, we have the power to transcend all boundaries, fostering unity and interconnectedness among humanity. Let us delve into the profound impact of sharing our inner light and how practicing this philosophy can create a world where divisions dissolve in the brilliance of a shared humanity.

  • The Essence of Our Inner Light:

At the core of our being lies a divine spark, an inner light that illuminates our path and nourishes our soul. This light represents our true nature, unblemished by external influences and societal conditioning. However, life’s challenges and negative experiences can obscure this light, leading us to forget its existence. Spiritual teachings and coaching guide us to look within, rediscovering our inner light, and connecting with its boundless power.

  • The Empowering Practice of Sharing:

The act of sharing our inner light is not a depletion but an expansion. As we extend kindness, love, and positivity to others, our inner light grows brighter and more radiant. It is like a flame that can ignite countless other flames without diminishing its own glow. Through simple acts of empathy, compassion, and altruism, we inspire and uplift others, creating a network of illuminated souls that collectively transform the world.

  • Nurturing the Inner Light:

To share our light effectively, we must nurture and cultivate it within ourselves. Engaging in practices such as meditation, self-reflection, and gratitude helps us become more aware of our inner light and strengthen its presence. As we develop self-love and self-compassion, our light becomes an unshakeable source of strength, allowing us to shine brightly even in challenging times.

  • Transcending Boundaries:

Sharing our inner light has the magical ability to transcend all boundaries that divide humanity. It breaks through the barriers of race, religion, culture, and social status, revealing our shared essence. When we recognize the same light in others, we foster unity and understanding, promoting a world that celebrates diversity while honoring the oneness of humanity. The concept of “us versus them” dissolves, replaced by a sense of collective responsibility for the well-being of all.

  • A Ripple Effect of Positive Change:

The act of sharing our light ignites a ripple effect of positive change. When one person embodies this way of living, it inspires others to do the same. Our actions influence those around us, encouraging them to share their light as well. Like a wildfire, this chain reaction spreads love, compassion, and harmony across communities and nations, fostering a global shift towards a more united and compassionate world.

  • Embracing a Higher Purpose:

As we share our inner light and transcend boundaries, we align ourselves with a higher purpose. Our lives take on new meaning as we realize that our existence is not just individualistic but intertwined with the greater tapestry of humanity. Each of us becomes a conduit for universal love and transformation, contributing to a world where kindness and empathy reign supreme.


In conclusion, the philosophy of sharing the light inside all of us is a powerful and transformative way of living. As we practice this philosophy, we come to understand that the more we share our inner light, the brighter it grows within us and others. We break free from the limitations of division and enter a realm of boundless unity and interconnectedness. Embracing this way of living can lead us to a world where compassion, understanding, and love are the guiding principles. Let us be the carriers of this illuminating flame, inspiring positive change and making the world a brighter, more harmonious place for all.



In the journey of life, we often find ourselves in situations where things don’t go as planned. It might be a missed opportunity, a failed relationship, or a career setback. Our initial response is usually to analyze the situation, identify what went wrong, and strategize how to fix it. It’s human nature to want control and to push things to be the way we desire. However, there are moments when we need to step back, take a deep breath, and listen to our inner voice that whispers, “Don’t wrestle with the universe; you’re exactly where you should be for now.”

This subtle inner guidance nudges us towards acceptance and surrender, encouraging us to trust the journey we are on. It reminds us that change is an inevitable part of life, and by allowing it to unfold naturally, we can find greater peace and growth. In a world that often seems chaotic and unpredictable, learning to embrace change can be a profound source of strength and resilience.

The desire for control arises from the fear of the unknown and the uncertainty that comes with it. We seek security and stability, and when things don’t align with our plans, we may feel anxious and frustrated. In these moments, we can choose to let go of the need to control every aspect of our lives and instead surrender to the flow of the universe.

Surrender doesn’t mean giving up or being passive. It means releasing the tight grip of attachment to outcomes and allowing life to guide us in unexpected ways. It involves trusting that the universe has a grand plan and that everything is unfolding for our highest good, even if we can’t see it immediately.

Just like a river flows around obstacles, the universe has its own way of navigating us through life’s challenges. Embracing this philosophy doesn’t mean we stop making efforts or setting goals. Instead, it allows us to act with intention and passion while staying open to the possibility that the path we are on may diverge from what we initially envisioned.

Moreover, our resistance to change can also hinder personal growth and spiritual development. When we hold on tightly to our expectations and resist the natural ebb and flow of life, we limit ourselves from experiencing new opportunities and transformative experiences.

By letting go and accepting the present moment, we free ourselves from the burden of trying to control every aspect of our lives. We become more attuned to our intuition and inner wisdom, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and our purpose. This inner voice acts as a compass, showing us the way forward when we feel lost or uncertain.

Change is the only constant in life, and it’s in the face of change that our true character is revealed. When we embrace change, we learn to adapt, evolve, and grow. We become more resilient and open-minded, better equipped to handle life’s twists and turns.

So, the next time things don’t go as planned, take a moment to listen to that gentle inner voice. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be for now. Allow change to happen, for it is through change that life molds us into the best version of ourselves. Embrace the journey, flow with the universe, and discover the beauty of surrendering to the ever-changing rhythm of life.



Coaching is an unregulated business so anyone can be a coach. You hear these questions in the coaching world; are there too many coaches? How do you get clients?

When I started some years ago, there may not have been as many coaches, as today, however, the question of how do you get clients was still a daunting one, but I really wanted to coach, so I hung in and stayed focused, often coaching for free to gain more experience in hope that the client would offer to stay on for more sessions, which hardly ever happens when you’re starting out, regardless of your certified qualifications, you don’t really have full confidence or you don’t know how to ask people to work with you.

The other obvious thing like most coaches starting out, although they teach you not to focus on the money and to be present and focused on how you can help someone, that advice goes out the door, when you need the money, and it’s because of that, that many give up coaching, after a certain period of starvation.  

It’s only from experience and continued coaching that you stop thinking about the money and start thinking about the client.

It took me some time to come to terms with not thinking about the money when I was giving free trial sessions and then something finally happened when money was not in the way, I became a better coach and people were getting better results. 

When the coach is thinking about the money, he cannot give 100% to the client and in some way, the client feels that desperate energy from the coach and is less empowered after the session.

On the other hand, if the coach has a zero money agenda and can create the impact that is needed in a coaching session, it makes a huge difference to the client, the coach doesn’t need to think about money, because impactful coaching results, lead to paying clients.  


I’m Stuck

As a confidence coach, I keep hearing the words “I’m Stuck” more and more, people in fear of moving forward seems more evident, a continuation of the fear that society has lived with in the last couple of years and with the media’s help, in blowing that fear out of proportion, people feel stuck!

It’s not like the fear is now over, it’s taken a social turn, increasing insecure behavioural patterns and casting a negative hangover on society, because uncertainty is still in the air and if it’s not fear of the pandemic, it’s now become a fearful and freedom-less existence.

When that happens, people don’t move forward as readily, as creatively or as joyfully, which affects their lives, their decisions and their growth, they turn inwards and start asking, “what’s wrong with me” They don’t realize what an enormous effect that negative social energy has on their individuality and their belief system.

At the end of the day, what has occurred has resonated in leaving behind a dulled-down belief system and there is nothing wrong with the individual, he or she has bought into a feeling without even knowing it’s happening and now they are living in that feeling, but it’s only a feeling and we can all change how we feel because the way we feel is a belief system, nothing more.

We are the ones creating that belief system, we are the ones creating “any” belief system, it’s not coming from outside of us, no matter how things are out there, we can choose not to be affected by them. The situation doesn’t change, but how we react to the situation can change.

Once we become aware that we can change our belief system, that’s all we have to do, be aware that we can, we don’t need to do anything about it, just the awareness that you are always living your thinking can change the habit and result in more clarity.

With clarity, far more is possible, as now there are no obstacles and your mind is in a more creative state, even if nothing has changed, your belief system has and what seemed impossible while you were feeling fearful by living your thinking, creates new possibilities, infinite possibilities, because you have changed your belief system.

Everything changes once you realize that you actually have full control of your feelings, knowing that all your feelings are coming from you, not from anywhere else.

At first, there are a lot of “but’s” related to this, though in actual fact it’s more simple than we think to be the in charge of our thoughts because thoughts can be our enemy or our friend, we can choose them any way we please and paint them as big, as bright and as positive as we want to.

Let’s face it, there’s no benefit in being stuck, it stops you from reaching your potential, on every level and takes away your freedom, whereas being aware that the feeling of being stuck is your own belief system, opens many more doors and gives you more clarity and when you can achieve clarity without worry or fears, your life changes.

Nothing happens to you, everything happens from you.

Leon Kammer is a Confidence and Communication Coach


Rewire Your Belief System 

When we are kids, we are not aware of our emotional needs, we accept our environment as it is, because we are born into it and don’t know any other way.

So we accept what we are given emotionally and move into adulthood with what we have and know, becoming hard-wired with that same emotional belief system and the same values that we experienced as kids, only to find out as adults, that we are not fulfilled and often don’t know why.

It’s only when we see our coaches or therapists that it’s brought to our attention, that we don’t love ourselves enough, or we lack self-worth, perhaps self-confidence, or a number of things that cause us to live an unfulfilled life, not reaching the heights that we could have and not living our full potential, blocked by the hard wiring of negative emotions that we grew up with. 

That hard-wired belief system becomes the pattern for our lives, that we carry for years, it becomes our identity and how we operate and accept life.  

But if this is only a belief system that we carry from our childhood then we can change that belief system to anything we want, we can unravel that hard wiring and believe something else.

If it means giving ourselves the gifts that we were not given as kids, then we have to give ourselves those gifts to fill the void that needs to be filled, like self-love, self-recognition, and recognising our values and our qualities.

Giving ourselves these gifts consciously on a daily basis, whether we write them down or meditate on them will change that hard-wired belief system and rewire our beliefs with thoughts that inspire us and allow us to become the best version of ourselves by unblocking those negative beliefs that we have been carrying around and living with for years.

The brain does not differentiate between negative or positive thoughts, which means that whatever we feed our brain on a constant basis is what is then stored in our subconscious mind and we begin to operate in that belief system.

The subconscious mind can store our new belief patterns because it operates on what we feed it, so feeling good about who we are is nothing more than feeding the mind with good feelings. 

It doesn’t matter how you create good feelings, but feeling good is a great start in creating a new belief system.

You can’t feel negative and expect to change your belief system, so start the process by doing whatever it takes to feel good and then you can really change anything!


Find Joy

How often do you have the feeling of joy? Because that’s what joy is, a feeling and it’s a feeling you can have regardless of what is going on in your life, you can always find joy and gratitude in something.

So why do we choose misery and chaos and screw up our day, or sometimes our lives.

Is it because anxiety, fear and worry are our go-to feelings and we have been doing it for so long that we know no other way.

If joy is a feeling and anxiety, fear and worry are also feelings, why don’t we choose joy instead, because feelings are like magnets, good feelings manifest good things and it also works the other way.

Here’s the interesting bit, you don’t have to do anything about bringing in the feeling of joy, only be aware that you can.

The subconscious mind can’t wait to trigger those negative thoughts and emotions that take you away from feeling joy.

You don’t have to try to find out how or why you only have to be aware that you can choose your feelings and like anything, this becomes a habit and through your own awareness you can change your habits.

This quote sums it all up:
The Universe is asking, show me your new vibrations and I will show you miracles.

Leon Kammer is a Life and Confidence Coach –